Dates: May 16-18, 2025 and January 16-18, 2026
“The breathing process is a powerful variable, which has an enormous impact on the tension level of your body, as well as on the calmness and clarity of your mind.”
“…without breath awareness a deep state of meditation is impossible.”
“Breath awareness enables us to experience deeper levels of consciousness that are normally beyond the reach of the conscious mind.”
“When you practice meditation regularly and punctually….the mind becomes one-pointed, and starts to fathom the subtler dimensions of life. These are the symptoms of deepening meditation.”
Quotations by Swami Rama
This weekend program is designed to deepen and develop your personal breathing and meditation practices.
Program begins on Friday at 4:30 p.m., and ends on Sunday at noon (participants are invited to stay for Sunday lunch).
Breathing practices over the weekend will include:
- Diaphragmatic breathing in the crocodile posture, shavasana (corpse), and sitting posture.
- Cleansing breath and pranayama practices such as kapalabhati, bhastrika, ujjayi and brahmari
- Nadi shodhanam and sushumna application
Meditation practices:
- Stillness in the sitting postures
- Systematic relaxation in sitting postures
- Spinal breath
- Use of mantra or sacred sound
Facilitator: Ma Tripurashakti
Dates: As noted. Application form is required.
Program fee: rs. 1,500 per person
Boarding and lodging single occupancy: rs.1,700 per person per day
Boarding and lodging double occupancy: rs.1,200 per person per day [Note: Single occupancy charges will be applied if there is no one to share the room.]
Registration: Please fill out the online application form on the Registration page. You will be contacted by email after your form is submitted.
Weekend schedule:
4:30-6:30, Discussion and Practicum
7:00, Supper
8:00, Guided meditation
6:00-6:30 a.m., Tea, hot water & lemon
6:30-8:00 a.m., Joints and glands exercises, systematic relaxation
8:00, Breakfast
9:00, Walk
10:00-12 noon, Discussion and Practicum
1:00, Lunch
2-4, free time, personal time
4:00, tea
4:30-6:30, Discussion and Practicum
7:00, Supper
8:00, Guided Meditation
6:00-6:30 a.m., Tea, hot water & lemon
6:30-8:00 a.m., Joints and glands exercises
8:00, Breakfast
9:00, Walk
10:00-12, Practicum, followed by summary of practices
Optional reference materials:
Meditation and Its Practice, by Swami Rama, paperback
Exercises for Joints and Glands, by Himalayan Institute, paperback
“Guided Practice of Mantra and Meditation,” by Swami Rama, audio CD
“Practices of the Himalayan Tradition as Taught by Swami Rama, vol. 1: Breathing and Relaxation,” audio CD