Swami Rama’s audio lectures are available as digital downloads in mp3 on iTunes.com, or directly through Swami Rama Society website.

Lectures on Yoga Sutras: Sadhana Pada Discussion
by Swami Rama
This talk on the 2nd Chapter (Sadhana Pada) of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali was presented by Sri Swami Rama to his American students in early 1977 as part of a series of lectures. As with many of Swamiji’s talks he covers a wide range of topics in ways that are both informative and deeply inspirational.
Here he begins by explaining the twin laws of karma and reincarnation. He then emphasizes the practices of Kriya Yoga in helping to remove the mental afflictions (kleshas) that are the result of the deep impressions (samskaras) from our our actions (karmas) in order to prepare the mind for the more advanced practices of 1st Chapter of the text, Samadhi Pada.
mp3 download, 60:27 minutes, iTunes.com

Lectures on Yoga Sutras: Karma Yoga
by Swami Rama
Recorded live from lectures Swami Rama gave to the graduate students at the Himalayan Institute in Glenview, Illinois, in the late 1970s.
In this lecture Swami Rama continues his discussion of Kriya Yoga and the Kleshas. He then proceeds to discuss Karma and to explain how to enjoy life and find liberation by performing (karma) action skillfully. He explains that renouncing action is not the path to freedom but rather by surrendering the fruits of action to the Divine.
ISBN 9788188157969, 59:32 minutes, mp3 download
Available at iTunes.com

Lectures on Yoga Sutras: Mind
by Swami Rama
Recorded live from lectures Swami Rama gave to the graduate students at the Himalayan Institute in Glenview, Illinois, in the late 1970s.
In this lecture Swami Rama explains that by having control over the modifications of mind we can attain a state that is free from all pain and miseries and become established in our essential nature.
ISBN 978-81-88157-93-8, 74:04 minutes, mp3 download
Available at iTunes.com

Lectures on Yoga Sutras: Raja Yoga
by Swami Rama
In this lecture Swami Rama systematically explains the eight limbs (astanga) or stages in the practice of Raja Yoga. He says that when we start practicing our awareness expands and we become conscious of the many obstacles on the path to realizing our goal. When these problems are resolved, through the practice of meditation, the mind flows toward the center of consciousness within.
He further explains that meditation (dhyana) requires preparation, that it is the 7th rung in the ladder of astanga yoga and he then proceeds to discuss the different stages of practice leading to meditation and samadhi.
ISBN 978-81-88157-92-1, mp3 digital download, 78:10 minutes
Available at iTunes.com

Lectures on Yoga Sutras: Kriya Yoga
by Swami Rama
In this lecture Swami Rama discusses Kriya Yoga. He explains that the three basic practices of Kriya Yoga–tapas, svadhyaya and ishwara pranidhana (self-discipline, self-study and surrender of the ego)–should be practiced by all students of yoga meditation, and that they are practiced in order to create a balanced mind and to establish a state of inner tranquility.
He further states that Kriya Yoga helps remove the obstacles that hinder our progress in meditation and by removing these obstacles we can obtain a state of samadhi.
ISBN 978-81-88157-91-4, mp3 digital download, 60:01 minutes
Available at iTunes.com

Practices of the Himalayan Tradition
as taught by Swami Rama
Volume 2: Yoga Nidra
Recorded by Prakash Keshaviah, Ph.D.
This is volume 2 of the audio series which will guide you through some of the basic practices of the Himalayan tradition as taught by H.H. Swami Rama of the Himalayas. Recorded by Prakash Keshavieh, Ph.D., volume 2 includes both the individual practices of the 61 Point Exercise and Shitali Karana as well as the full Yoga Nidra practice
As Swami Rama explains, “Yoga Nidra is a state of conscious sleep… It is the state between sleep and samadhi… A state when the body, mind and nervous system are in complete rest.” He also explains, “There are two exercises related to Yoga Nidra which are very helpful.” These are the 61 Point Exercise and Shitali Karana.
- Introduction, 2:56
- 61-Points Exercise, 9:32
- Shithali Karana, 31:42
- Yoga Nidra, 15:13
- Full Yoga Nidra practice, 53:23
ISBN 978-81-88157-89-1
Available here: iTunes.com

Lectures on Yoga Sutras Samadhi
By Swami Rama
Taken from his lectures given to graduate students at the Glenview Center in 1977-79, in this lecture Swami Rama discusses the different types of samadhi and the importance of daily practice in attaining this level of experience. He also explains that the first four sutras of chapter 1 are very important and are the cornerstone of the entire text. He states that by understanding these four we will understand the entire system. He tells us that the purest level of consciousness is within and that we come in contact with that through the practice of meditation, and that once we start practicing we will find the light within and that we are guided by that light.
ISBN 978-81-88157-88-4, mp3 digital download Available at iTunes.com

On Learning to Be Human a lecture by Swami Rama
In this lecture, recorded live in 1979, Swami Rama discusses the qualities that make us human beings and not mere animals. By understanding the purpose of life we can arrive at a state free from all fears and pains, a state of perennial happiness. Human beings should realize that they are responsible for their actions, and come out of the self-created whirlpool of duties by lovingly, skillfully and selflessly performing actions. It is only through constant awareness of the center of love and consciousness within that can liberate human beings from loneliness.
ISBN 978-81-88157-84-6, available on or iTunes.com

Poetry Reading
by Swami Rama
Swami Rama was an inspired poet and author. In this rare and unique recording from 1989, Swami Rama reads his own personal poetry. Poems include original unpublished works, and some published verses from Sikh scriptures like Japji and Sukhamani Sahab, as well as personal entries from his diary.
ISBN 978-81-88157-83-9, 37:56 minutes, available on iTunes.com

Treading the Path
Lecture by Swami Rama
In this lecture by Swami Rama, recorded live in 1978, he discusses the four primitive urges (food, sleep, sex and self-preservation), and how to work with the mind and senses. Swami Rama discusses the relationship between breath and mind, and mind and consciousness. On a practical level he gives tips on how to break bad habits such as sloth and inertia, cautions us about the pitfalls of expectation and sadness, and directs us to listen to the teacher within, which is your own conscience. His talk is sprinkled with anecdotes from his youth and practical lessons on life from his master. Finally, he leads us to expansion of consciousness through constant awareness of the Reality within.
ISBN 978-81-88157-82-2, 52:02 minutes, available on iTunes.com

Lecture on Healing
by Swami Rama
In this hour-long lecture recorded live in 1978, Swami Rama talks about healing – healing yourself and healing others. He talks about human potentials that usually remain hidden within such as instinctual knowledge and intuitive knowledge, and the need for stillness. Through willpower, selflessness and prayer, you can serve others selflessly and heal many people.
ISBN 978-81-88157-81-5, 59:46 minutes, audio recording, available on iTunes

Love, Sex & Relationships
Audio Lecture by Swami Rama
In this lecture recorded live from 1973, Swami Rama discusses the role of sex in relationships, the need for love, communication and selflessness. The lecture is interspersed with anecdotes from the monastery and Swamiji ’s childhood experiences. He briefly talks about chakras, upward traveling and monastic practices.
ISBN 978-81-88157-77-8, 57 minutes, available on iTunes.com

Lecture on Holistic Health
by Swami Rama
In this lecture, Swami Rama discusses in simple and direct language the key to holistic health. By understanding life with all its currents and cross currents, a person can know the purpose of life. A human being should understand himself on all levels, and by knowing his own self, can understand the Self of all.
ISBN 978-81-88157-73-0, 59:07 minutes, available through iTunes.com

Practices of the Himalayan Tradition as Taught by Swami Rama
Volume 1: Breathing and Relaxation
Recorded by Prakash Keshaviah, Ph.D.
This is volume 1 of an audio CD series which will guide you through some of the basic practices of the Himalayan tradition as taught by H.H. Swami Rama of the Himalayas. In this volume, the following tracks are included:
- Introduction, 2:48
- Diaphragmatic Breathing in the Crocodile Posture, or Makarasana, 3:57
- Diaphragmatic Breathing in the Corpse Posture, or Shavasana, 10:35
- Tension Relaxation Exercise, 9:16
- Complete Relaxation Exercise for the Muscles of the Body, 12:00
- Complete Relaxation Exercise for the Joints of the Body, 10:50
- 31 Points Exercise, 7:20
The audio tracks were recorded in a natural setting with bird songs providing a soothing background. This audio CD includes a 32-page booklet containing transcripts of the audio tracks, diagrams, and notes.
ISBN 978-81-88157-70-9, available on iTunes.com

Teachings of the Himalayan Tradition
by Swami Rama
In this lecture from 1976, Swami Rama reveals many of the monastic secrets of the Himalayan Masters. Swami Rama discusses the law of karma, the path of action and renunciation, meditation and contemplation, and recounts stories from his childhood in the Himalayas. He introduces the students to the school of Navayana, the New Vehicle, and Sahaja Bhava.
ISBN 978-81-88157-74-7, 1:00:56 minutes, available through iTunes.com

Conscious Living: A 5-Lecture Audiobook for Spiritual Transformation
by Swami Rama
This 5-lecture set is a collection of lectures that Swami Rama gave in Singapore in 1991 and 1992. Recorded live, they capture the essence and inspiration of Swamiji’s public speaking style. His book, Conscious Living: A Guidebook for Spiritual Transformation is derived from nine of the lectures he presented in Singapore. Five of those lectures are included in this new audiobook.
- Volume one: Prayer, Meditation, Contemplation, 56.40 minutes
- Volume two: Freedom from Stress, 57.45 minutes
- Volume three: Creative Use of Emotions, 62.01 minutes
- Volume four: Mind and its Modifications, 45.31 minutes
- Volume five: The Goal of Life, 43.08 minutes
ISBN 978-81-88157-18-1, mp3, available on iTunes.com

Guided Practice of Mantra and Meditation
by Swami Rama
“Meditation is a process of purifying the mind and making it one-pointed, inward, and tranquil. Through the method of meditation, the mind will help you to fathom the deeper levels of your being and lead you to the highest state of realization.” In this audio recording, Swami Rama lucidly guides the listener step-by-step through the process of meditation and remembering your mantra.
ISBN 978-81-88157-39-6, mp3, 18 minutes, available on iTunes

Bhole Prabhu Sings
by Swami Rama
As a young man Swami Rama was known as Bhole Prabhu. He was an accomplished musician who played the veena and loved to sing. But one day his master became concerned about his one-pointed devotion to music. He was worried Swamiji would neglect his meditation practice and made him promise not to sing again until 1985. The first song on this recording, Guru Vandana, is the piece Swamiji sang as a young man when he was known as Bhole Prabhu, on All India Radio. All of India wept when they heard it. We are pleased to release these very rare early recordings of Bhole Prabhu, as well as the later pieces of Swami Rama in this edition.
ISBN 978-81-88157-10-5, 62.08 min.,mp3, available on iTunes

AUM a meditation in sound
by Swami Rama
On the banks of the holy river Ganges in northern India, is an ancient Shiva temple where in 1988 Swami Rama recorded this chanting of AUM. As you listen to this simple yet profound recording, you are carried by the singular voice of Swami Rama chanting AUM with only an electronic tanpura for accompaniment. Mysteriously this sound grows and grows throughout the recording though no instruments have been added. Finally the entire temple is vibrating and reverberating with this cosmic sound spiraling throughout the shrine as it stimulates the temple bells to sympathetically resonate.
ISBN 978-81-88157-08-2, 36.52 min., mp3, available on iTunes.com