Dates: TBA
“Meditation annihilates time and then you are free, and you can be here and now.” Swami Rama
This weekend guided meditation retreat is based on Swami Rama’s book, Meditation and Its Practice, a practical guide to inner life.
In this program you will learn:
- How to relax the body
- How to sit in a comfortable, steady position for meditation
- How to make your breathing process serene
- How to calmly witness the objects traveling in the train of your mind
- How to introspect
- How to remain centered and undisturbed
This beginning level guided meditation retreat includes daily classes in gentle joints & glands exercises, breathing, relaxation, and meditation.
Practices include systematic relaxation, full body breath, 2:1 breathing, the spinal breath, alternate nostril breathing, so’hum, application of sushumna, and witnessing and inspecting the mental train of thoughts arising from the conscious mind.
Bring your walking shoes and sun hat for a “walking and breathing” practicum.
Swami Rama’s profound yet simple method of meditation will be explored through discussions, practicums and video lectures.
No previous experience is required. Please wear loose clothing, and bring a blank book for personal journaling entries. The ashram provides three vegetarian meals daily, chai twice a day, and a private room (when available).
The program begins the first day at 4:30 in the afternoon. The program ends on the last day around noon, and participants are invited to stay for lunch. Participants are expected to attend all sessions.
Facilitator: Mr. Rahul Baluni
Duration: As noted. Application form is required.
Program fee: rs.1,500 per person
Boarding and lodging single occupancy: rs.1,700 per person per day
Boarding and lodging double occupancy: rs.1,200 per person per day [Note: Single occupancy charges will be applied if there is no one to share the room.]
Registration: Please fill out the online application form on the Registration page. You will be contacted by email after your form is submitted.
A Program for Progress in Meditation
“This program for progress in meditation is the result of thorough examination and experimentation by the tradition of the sages. Many sincere students of meditation have experienced its benefits. If you really want to attain the highest state of meditation, you should commit yourself to following this system, which is simple.”
Swami Rama, from Meditation and Its Practice
Typical Daily Schedule
6:00 a.m., Hot lemon water, chai
6:30, Joints & glands exercises/systematic relaxation/meditation
8-9:00, Breakfast
9:30-10:00, Walking & breathing (weather permitting)
10-12 noon, Half-hour video, followed by practicum and guided meditation
1:00 pm, Lunch
2:00-4:00, Walk/reflection/journaling/personal time
4:00, Tea
5-6:30, Hatha yoga
7:00, Supper
8:00, Review of the day, followed by meditation
Optional reference materials:
Meditation and Its Practice, by Swami Rama, paperback
Exercises for Joints and Glands, by Himalayan Institute, paperback
Science of Breath, by Swami Rama, et al, paperback
“Guided Practice of Mantra and Meditation,” by Swami Rama, audio CD
“Practices of the Himalayan Tradition as Taught by Swami Rama, vol. 1: Breathing and Relaxation,” audio CD
“How to Tread the Path of Superconscious Meditation” video lecture by Swami Rama
Note: We are trying to “be here now,” so please do not bring your mobile to any of the sessions.